Contributors Wanted for Independent Florida!
Do you follow politics and want to share your thoughts? Do you have an independent outlook or the ability to share your thoughts in a non-partisan way? If so, we would love to work with you! We are looking for contributors to share local political news or commentaries on broader issues (state and national). Guest posts and regular contributions are welcome, and we will link your blog or social profiles if there is something that you’d like to promote.
What Are We Looking For in a Contributor?
We are looking for contributors from each area in Florida. Contacts from each region and major city that have info on local political contacts and candidates when there is an upcoming election would be helpful. We would love articles on local issues- public transit, social programs, law enforcement, etc. Also, opinion pieces on national hot topics (again, from a respectful, non-partisan perspective) are great. It’s OK if you don’t have these contacts right now either. Just be willing to share your opinion and get involved. We want to encourage other like-minded individuals and let people know that they aren’t alone in their frustration with the current system.
Requirements for Submissions
- Topics of interest to Floridians– You can write on any topic. We just want it to be something that would be of interest to people in Florida. It can be local, state, or national news. It can just be a policy or issue of interest. If it is something happening in another state, make sure to point out how it impacts those of us in Florida.
- Keep the article non-partisan– This is extremely important. These articles should be your opinion, but not extremely polarized, and we expect everyone to be treated with respect. It’s OK if you are a Libertarian, Green party, independent, or even Republican or Democrat. If you are writing in support of an issue, try to think of the issue from the perspective of someone that would disagree. What are the strengths and weaknesses of your position? We want to encourage strong, rational discussions-not name-calling andVote Independent Florida! Be Bold and vote for true changepartisan nonsense that things often turn into online. We encourage strong opinions, but don’t demean those that may think differently.
- Fact check and be accurate– There is enough fake news out there these days. We don’t want to be another one of these sources. Please make sure your article is factual. Sources should be provided when appropriate.
- Include a brief bio and contact info– It doesn’t need to be in the article itself, but we will include a short bio of the author if you would like. Include any brief facts you would like people to know and include a link to your blog, website, or social media where you would like people to follow you. Hopefully we can work together to help each other out.
What if I Don’t Feel Comfortable Contributing Articles Now?
If you don’t feel you can contribute right now, feel free to submit topics that you would be interested in. We are in the planning stages for a podcast, and we are always planning topics and guests to make sure it is interesting and thought provoking. Also check out our Support Page for other ways that your can help Independent Florida.
We look forward to working with you!
Independent Florida