Registering to Vote in Florida
With the upcoming elections, make sure that you are registered to vote. Registering to vote is very important if you plan to make a difference this election. You must register at least 29 days prior to the election.
Voter Registration Application
Complete instructions and information about registering
Important Election Dates
Remember that you have to register at least 29 days prior to these dates below if you intend to vote in the listed election.
Presidential Primary: March 15, 2016
Primary Election: August 30, 2016
General Election: November 8, 2016
More info on all specific dates and deadlines can be found at the Florida Department of State website
Visit the rest of our site for info on how we view voting, whether you choose to vote for a Republican, Democrat, or independent/3rd party voting is important. Make sure you participate! Join the discussion in our forums or comment below.